School Nurse
Welcome to the Clinic
School Nurse: Jaycee Hackett
Hours: 8 am - 4 pm
Phone: 281-324-7639
Fax: 281-324-1646 (Attention to: Nurse)
My goal for the HES Clinic is to keep your child healthy, happy, and in school. Please reach out out to me for any concerns and questions so that I can do my best to help your little one!
Regarding COVID-19:
For guidance on school exclusion related to COVID-19, please refer to the attachments below or view the Falcon Safe Start Plan on the Huffman ISD website. Please reach out by phone or email to the clinic with any questions. I am happy to help and want you to feel assured about the care your child receives at school.
Follow the link at the bottom of the page to sign up for free testing with Harris County, and please see the attachment for other testing locations and information.
Common Topics for Clinic Operation:
- If your child has a food allergy, please provide the school nurse with a letter from their physician stating what their food restrictions are and what substitutions should be offered. This needs to be turned into the clinic at the beginning of every school year, or upon enrollment into the district. Please make sure that necessary medications are brought to the school nurse.
- If your child has a medical condition/diagnosis that requires special attention or monitoring at school, please speak with the school nurse. The nurse can be reached by phone or email from 8am-4pm each day. (281-324-7639)
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to limit clinic exposure, ALL medications will require a physician’s order. Students are not allowed to transport medication to and from school. Parents/Guardians need to bring medications to the front office in the original, unopened container and have dosage information for your child’s age group. Prescription medications must have the pharmacy label on the bottle/box with your child’s information and dosage information. Once the required forms are signed, arrangements can be made to dispense the medication during school hours. A link to our physician form is included on the "Student Health Resources" page at the top-right.
Unless the time is explicitly noted, medications follow the schedule below:
- Once and twice a day medications are given at home: before and/or after school
- Three times a day medications are given at home: before school, after school, and at bedtime.
- Four times a day medications are given at home: before school, one time at school after lunch, at home after school, and at bedtime. (Please have pharmacist give 2 bottles; one for school and one for home.)
- If your child is seen in an Emergency Room, admitted to a hospital, or has a serious injury that requires the use of crutches, splints, orthopedic cast, etc. they will need to bring a release from their physician to come back to school. On that release the doctor should write what day they may return to school and what activities they are to avoid. (Example: No PE/recess for 1-2 weeks.)
- All students, regardless of age, should carry an extra set of clothes in their backpack in case of accidents, spills, mud, etc. Clinic supply of clothing is very limited, and I would like to limit exposure of healthy children to the clinic when able.
- Please note that there are changes to the school exclusion policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. All students exhibiting potential symptoms of COVID-19 will be excluded from school until return-to-school criteria is met. (Student map for returning will be available on Falcon Safe Start Plan.)
These symptoms include: Fever 100.0 or higher, fatigue, headache, body aches or chills, cough, nasal congestion, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.
A self-screening tool will be available to students and parents that should be completed EVERY DAY prior to coming to school. If your child exhibits any of the above symptoms, please keep them home and monitor them for illness. Student temperatures will be checked on arrival to school in addition to self-screening at home. Please note that if a student is sent home, a minimal 10-day exclusion is required unless documentation of a negative COVID test or alternate diagnosis is provided by a physician.
Screenings for Hearing and Vision are conducted on all students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades as required by state law. These students are also screened for Acanthosis Nigricans (an early endocrine problem indicator).
All 5th grade girls will be screened for scoliosis or other spinal problems as required by state law.
Puberty Education:
Fifth grade boys and girls will be taught about body changes during puberty and hygiene utilizing the "Always Changing and Growing-Up" program available through P&G School Programs. You may view more information about the program on their website, and more detail/ direct links will be provided when permission slips are sent out prior to the scheduled education day. This content does not address sex education and boys and girls will only be taught about their own gender.
Harris County Public Health FREE COVID Testing:
COVID-19 Guideline
Local Health Office Information